Introduction to GBA Plus

Understanding Diverse Perspectives

The consideration of multiple and diverse intersecting factors can be complex. It is important to remember that there isn’t one single – or “right” – way to apply an intersectional approach; however, there are some foundational ideas to keep in mind:

  • Identify the multiple and diverse factors that impact peoples experiences
  • Analyze your own position and perspective in relation to the issue or initiative that you are working on (e.g. how do your biases affect your perception and/or work on the issue?)
  • Reject categorizing groups with the use of binaries (e.g. man or woman, advantaged or disadvantaged)
  • Accept that there are various factors that contribute to an experience or an outcome (e.g. power relations intersecting with systematic factors intersecting with where we live – urban vs. rural, plains vs. mountains)
  • People can experience advantages and disadvantages simultaneously (e.g. A man may experience some of the advantages of being male, but may experience some disadvantages because of the intersection of his male identity and his identity as a racialized person. Specific stereotypes exist for men of different ethnicities and specific stereotypes exist for women of different ethnicities, because of the interplay of gender and racialization.)
  • Identify other factors, including externalities, that shape experiences