Gender-based violence and access to justice

Through the Gender Results Framework, the federal government is making measurable progress towards Canada’s gender equality goals. On this page, you will find the gender equality goal for gender-based violence and access to justice, why this goal matters, its objectives and indicators, as well as the key Government of Canada initiatives in this area.

Gender-based violence and access to justice


Eliminating gender-based violence and harassment, and promoting security of the person and access to justice.

Why this goal matters

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a preventable and significant barrier to gender equality. While anyone can be a victim of violence, women and girls, as well as members of the LGBTQ2 community and non-binary people, face a greater risk of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and human trafficking. Violence can have impacts on a person’s physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health, which can span generations. Discrimination, harassment and sexual violence in the workplace can also have profound negative effects on health and safety, absenteeism and decreasing productivity.

Access to and confidence in the criminal justice system is foundational to Canadian society.

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Objectives and indicators

Workplaces are harassment-free

4.1.1 Proportion of employees who self-report being harassed in the workplace

Fewer women are victims of intimate partner violence and sexual assault

Fewer victims of childhood maltreatment

4.3.1 Proportion of population who self-reported childhood maltreatment (before age 15), by type of maltreatment

Fewer women killed by an intimate partner

4.4.1 Homicide rate, by relationship to the perpetrator (table 1 and table 2)

Increased police reporting of violent crimes

4.5.1 Proportion of self-reported incidents of violent crime reported to police, past 12 months, by type of crime

Fewer Indigenous women and girls are victims of violence

4.6.1 Proportion of Indigenous women and girls subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence, by Indigenous identity

Increased accountability and responsiveness of the Canadian criminal justice system

4.7.1 Proportion of sexual assaults reported to police that are deemed “unfounded”

Key Government of Canada initiatives

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