GBA Plus: Step by Step

Video Transcript

Video Transcript

GBA Plus step by step

The animated logo for GBA Plus appears.
Text on screen –
Step by Step

Narrator: The Government of Canada makes decisions that affect Canadians every day. Using gender-based analysis plus, or G-B-A-+ is a key step in creating initiatives that work for everyone.
A stick-figure walks across the screen as a desk appears and the stick-figure sits down. The stick-figure opens a laptop and types on it.
Text on screen - The following words fly out from the laptop: Key step, initiatives, everyone

GBA Plus is not something to be tacked on after the fact, nor can it be carried out by just one person. It is a tool that should be used at all stages of the policy cycle, from development to implementation.
A city scene forms in the background. A stick-figure walks down a road and encounters a road-sign with the GBA Plus logo on it. A thought bubble appears above the stick-figure. Inside the thought bubble, an icon of a pen drawing a line appears. The line is then replaced by an icon of a document.
Text on screen –
Not something to be tacked on after the fact
Not done by just one person
Policy cycle
From development to implementation

So let’s spend a moment looking at how we do a GBA Plus, and demystify it.
An infographic appears with the following 7 steps:
1. Identify issue
2. Challenge assumptions
3. Gather the facts – research & consult
4. Develop options & make recommendations
5. Monitor & evaluate
6. Communicate
7. Document

The first step is to identify the context and the gender and diversity issues.

Nothing happens in a vacuum. Your initiative may have a narrow objective, but it will always be linked to broader government priorities. The social, cultural and economic environment are also important. Start by making these connections.
The first step, identify issue, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.
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Gender and diversity
Broader government priorities
Social, cultural and economic environment
Make connections

We all have assumptions.
The second step, challenge assumptions, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.
In addition to our individual assumptions, the institution you work for may have formal or informal policies in place that can affect the development or outcome of an initiative. You need to be aware of these. Remember that workplace culture, behaviours, activities or processes all shape your assumptions.

Although the proposal you are working on may appear to affect everyone equally, always challenge your assumptions about whether it has gender and other diversity implications.
Text on screen –
Formal or informal policies
Development or outcome of an initiative
Workplace culture, behaviours, activities or processes
Gender and other diversity implications

Remember that you don’t have all the answers… but you can get a better picture of the issue through research and consultation.

The third step, gather the facts – research & consult, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.

The data you use should be gender-disaggregated and should include other intersecting identity factors, such as ethnicity, age or disability.

If information is not available, don’t abandon your analysis. Identify gaps in existing data and consider making data collection part of your initiative’s objectives and evaluation measures.
Stairs with 3 steps appear. A stick-figure with a briefcase walks up the stairs. A stick-figure holding a cane rises out of the top step. Another stick-figure walks up the stairs. Another stick-figure pushing a stroller stops at the bottom step and looks up.
Text on screen –
Include intersecting identity factors appears on the riser of the top step.
Identify gaps in existing data appears on the riser of the middle step.
Collect data in objectives & evaluation appears on the riser of the bottom step.

Make sure to use GBA Plus when you design your consultation process.
Text on screen –
Use GBA Plus
Consultation process
It is not enough to consult the general public and then apply your findings to all groups. Seek out multiple viewpoints. Engage Canadians of various identities, and consult broad and inclusive sources to deepen your analysis. Don’t forget: accessibility issues, social conditions and economic considerations can all affect someone’s ability to participate in your consultation process.
One stick-figure appears, and then more stick-figures, including 2 stick-figures in wheelchairs and 2 stick-figures with guide dogs.
Text on screen – The word consult appears in a box. the following words appear around the box: general public, multiple viewpoints, canadians of various identities, broad & inclusive sources

Your choice of words can also have an impact — consider them carefully.
The infographic with the 7 steps reappears.

The results of your consultation and research should inform your options and recommendations at all stages of initiative development and implementation.
The fourth step, develop options & make recommendations, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.

Using the data you have gathered, indicate how the options you propose respond to the specific issues you identified. Present your GBA Plus findings to decision-makers clearly.

If you have found that your initiative could have differential impacts or unintended barriers, suggest strategies to strengthen the proposal. And be sure to highlight your plan to fill any data gaps that your GBA Plus identified.
Text on screen –
Respond to the specific issues identified
Present your GBA Plus findings
Suggest strategies to strengthen the proposal
Highlight plan to fill data gaps

GBA Plus also applies to the evaluation and monitoring of your initiative.
The fifth step, monitor & evaluate, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.
The design of your evaluation framework and approach to monitoring can help address inequality and build capacity.

Make sure your evaluation identifies groups who are positively or negatively affected by the initiative.

Highlight data gaps and address unintended outcomes for diverse groups. Incorporate them into strategy renewals or management responses.
Text on screen –
Address inequality and build capacity
Identify groups who are affected
Highlight data gaps
Address unintended outcomes

Use GBA Plus when considering how to communicate your initiative.
The sixth step, communicate, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.

Identify your target audiences, and tailor your messaging appropriately. Show how your initiative supports diversity, and use inclusive examples, languages and symbols. Review your messaging to ensure you are not perpetuating stereotypes. Whenever possible, choose images and language that challenge harmful stereotypes.

Finally, remember to share your GBA Plus results. This will demonstrate due diligence, foster buy-in with stakeholders, and identify areas for further action.
Text on screen –
Identify target audiences and tailor messaging
Use inclusive examples, language and symbols
Don’t perpetuate stereotypes and challenge harmful stereotypes
Share your GBA Plus results

It is essential to document your analysis and findings throughout the cycle of the initiative.
The seventh step, document, highlights as the rest of the steps fade back.

  • The data and analysis that guided your recommendations provide meaningful background information.
  • You may be asked to provide evidence that a GBA Plus was conducted and to explain the process that guided your recommendations.
Text on screen –
Provide meaningful background information
Provide evidence that a GBA Plus was conducted
Explain the process that guided recommendationS
  • This information could inform a future proposal.
All 7 steps of the infographic are shown. Two arrows appear pointing from the bottom of the infographic back up to the top. A third arrow appears from the bottom of the infographic to a new box containing the text: Excellent results for diverse canadians

With some practice, you will develop a “GBA Plus reflex.”

Considering gender and diversity factors will be integrated into your thought process and become a routine part of your work.
The GBA Plus logo appears. A plus sign appears. The words Sex and Gender appear on the horizontal bar of the plus sign. Four new bars appear on the plus sign forming a pin-wheel. The following 10 words appear on each arm of the pinwheel: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Age, Disability, Geography, Culture, Income, Sexual orientation, Education.

Visit Status of Women Canada and check out our Demystifying GBA Plus: job aid on GCpedia.

Information is available upon request for those outside the Government of Canada.
Text on screen –
Text on screen – Copyright Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Status of Women, 2017
Text on screen - Canada wordmark with waving flag

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